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This Gundam Wing Page was written by GokuFievel

Gundam Wing



Gundam Wing is probably the most Dramatic Action Cartoon of all time. You must pay attention to the storyline or else you’ll get lost.


A History Lesson


Over 225 years ago the Americans ceeded from England. And King George III was very angry about that! The greedy king thought that he could own land that was over 3,000 miles away! So the Americans insurrected against England and created the “United States of America



Please place your hand over your heart at this time. Maybe spread a tear or two. THIS FLAG COST LIVES YOU KNOW!!!


So we fought and beat Britain to a pulp! [I'll get you for saying that!! :-) signed JR]  (No offense JR. England’s cool!) Then we’d help save them 155 years later in WWI and WWII. What does this history lesson have to do with Gundam Wing? A LOT!!!


Now we take you 225 into the future. After 30 to 50 years of sitting on their rear ends…NASA finally goes back to space. This time with regular people living in space. Mankind builds Space Stations the size of moons and build cities bigger than New York inside of them. And a new timeline is created. Instead of it being 2225 A.D. It’s now 195 A.C. A.C.=After Colony. Meaning after the first space colony.



Despite the fact that the space colonies are trillions of miles away from Earth…like England, claims to own and control all of the colonies in outer space. At the moment the space colonies seemed to not have a problem with that. But that was all about to change. The Space Colonies (like Colonial America) were getting used to governing themselves instead of the Earth controlling all of the government. The further the colonies got from the Earth, the less and less power and influence the Earth had on the colonies. AND EARTH DIDN’T LIKE THAT!!!


And so in the year A.C. 195 the Earth decided to get a firmer grip on the colonies like tax and political control. The Earth then sent assassins to murder colonial political leaders. But when the colonies started to quietly refuse to obey Earth………THE EARTH ATTACKED ALL OF THE SPACE COLONIES and took military control over all of them!!!



The colonies in space are very peaceful. They’ve had Civil Wars before but not for a very long time. Long enough for their children not to know about it. The colonies have had total Pacifism. (Pacifism is a government of complete peace without military. So the USA is not Pacifist because it’s got a military.) Even local crime was rare for the colonies. So when the Earth invaded all of the colonies…they couldn’t defend themselves. However…they did keep some left over weapons from the old Civil Wars. But it wasn’t enough.


Earth seized FULL control over the colonies. The once peaceful space colonies were now at war with their home planet. The Earth killed innocent and helpless people on the colonies, murdered all of the pacifists, and became Cold Blooded killers…and all in the name of “Justice and Peace”.


The Earth was no longer a Democratic nation, but the whole planet was run by an organization known as “OZ”. And as more and more innocent people were dying…it was time to GET BACK AT THE EARTH!!!


Each colony sent over secret agents in a Gundam Wing Mobile Suit to destroy the interior of planet Earth!!! And for the first time in Hollywood history…you (the viewers) are rooting for the destruction of Earth!!! Because the rulers of planet Earth in the future are real Jerks!!!


What is a Gundam? You see in the future the militaries have giant weapon vehicles that are called Mobile Suits. Which are giant robot machines controlled by a human pilot inside.



A Gundam…or Gundam Wing is an advanced Mobile suit that is specifically designed for war and mass killings. Gundams are capable of doing things that regular Mobile suits can’t. It takes an entire army of giant mobile suits to destroy a single city or military base. But a Gundam is so strong and advanced that it can single handedly take on an entire army!!! And who pilots these massive machines?……KIDS!!!


Kids from the age of 12 to 18 fly these missions and mass killings. They are just teenagers and already they’ve killed more people than Jack the Ripper himself. But hay………EARTH STARTED IT!!! These kids don’t mess around…they are dead serious about they’re jobs and they think nothing of those who they kill. That’s war for you.


The “OZ” Foundation (the business that owns and runs Earth) lied to the people on Earth saying that the colonies had become terrorists and that were (for no reason) attacking the Earth. ………Even in the future “Governments change…but the lies stay the same.”



Because Gundam Wing can be pretty hard to explain…I guess it would be wiser if I went down a character chart instead. Here are all of the main characters of Gundam Wing.


Character Chart



Herro Yuy: The #1 best Gundam Wing pilot. He ALWAYS has a straight face. He has pure HATE in his heart all of the time! He might as well be a robot because: he has no feelings, he never spares lives, never thinks twice about anything, and kills everybody and everything. The only world he’s ever known is WAR! If he was assigned to kill a helpless baby or 3 year old child…he’d do it in a second. He is a very DANGEROUS 17 year old boy. If you get the chance to met him…chances are he’ll kill you just because you saw his face! He makes Columbine High School look like a joke! He REALLY needs to see a therapist!!! The only emotions he knows is: anger, hate, violence, and sadness. That was……until……he came to Earth.

The first time he ever failed at a mission was when he was supposed to assassinate a girl named Relena. But when he saw her face……for some reason……HE COULDN’T PULL THE TRIGER!!! He tried REAL HARD to kill her……but he just couldn’t do it. And he didn’t know why! But I know why……because he’s got something called hormones! He fell in love with the girl he was supposed to assassinate! He still wanted to kill her……he really did. But he just couldn’t do it! And the thing is this was a whole new experience for him. Because he’s never felt: love, passion, or kindness in his whole life before!!! Let alone getting a crush on someone he was supposed to crush. Herro hated himself for failing to kill someone. He has an obsession with completing every single mission. And now……he can’t even kill a stupid, innocent girl! However, because of that, it has changed him forever.



Duo: Every war, team, and squadron always has to have a COCKY fighter! Most of the Gundam pilots are sad and depressed kids. Fighting their missions is a very sad job for them……EXCEPT for Duo Maxwell!!! He’s the kind of fighter who will have a funny punch line after killing someone like James Bond. Duo is the kind of fighter who will go “YEHAW!!!” after blowing up a military base. Duo is more Cocky than a crow chasing a farmer. However…he too has a sad breaking point.



Trowa Probably the most saddest and most depressed Gundam pilot. Each time he fights he hopes that he will die. Even for a teenager………HE’S TOO DEPRESSED!!! He got himself a part time job at the circus being the stunt man that gets knives thrown at. His circus partner (who is a girl) has a huge crush on him. But she knows about his dangerous Gundam job. She is always afraid that Trowa will get killed in a battle and that she’ll never see him again. Therefore she always tries to keep him in the circus. Trowa is a lot like Herro except he’s not that paranoid into completing missions.



Wufei He is a special martial artist who lived in a Chinese Shrine. He is of Chinese heritage. Now he fights as a Gundam pilot. Like most of the Gundam pilots he prefers to fight alone and he is depressed. But Wufei can be temperamental sometimes. 



Katra: He is very different from the other Gundam pilots. He is the most cheerful and most friendliest Gundam pilot there is. He always tries to make friends with the other pilots………but as you can guess: Herro, Duo, Trowa, and Wufei want to be friends WITH NO ONE!!! Katra hates his job as a Gundam pilot. He hates to kill people and he hates war. He always feels sorry when ever he defeats an enemy. Katra is also a price of his own kingdom…therefore he has royal guards to watch over him. But in his case…in his job he must go alone.



Relena Peacecraft: She is a BIG Pacifist! She’s almost like Lisa Simpson but not dorky. Relena hates wars and fighting and feels that there is no point to it. She’s the kind of person who believes that world peace is possible. And she’s the type of person who’ll go “Save the whales, the forest, and etc.” Her adopted father was assassinated because he was trying to promote peace with the colonies when they first attacked Earth. The “OZ” foundation or Earth were the people responsible for her adopted father’s death. Relena’s real parents died a long time ago when she was too young to remember. So when her father was on his death bed, he told her that she was adopted.


                Relena fell in love with Herro when she first met him. It was love at first site. But Herro had to kill her because she saw too much. At first she was shocked when Herro swore to kill her. But then Relena figured out that Herro had a hard time shooting her. And when Relena spoke to Herro’s spy agency, she wanted to help Herro. At first Herro didn’t want anything to do with her help (because he was still upset with his failure to assassinate her) but then later on in the story Herro’s going to find himself lonely in space………and then he’ll be calling out her name. Because Relena had lost her father she needed some new company………like a boyfriend. Even thought they both have different views, like Relena hates war while Herro lives it. They both need each other. If Herro doesn’t get himself a girlfriend………he WILL go insane or die from his hate feelings alone out on a battlefield. And if Relena doesn’t see Herro again, she’ll get too lonely. The thing is she wants to see Herro as often as she can. She doesn’t care if she sees Herro holding a gun to her face………as long as she gets to see him again.



Lady Une: She’s one big bad girl! She started the whole war thing and she framed the colonies. She told the Earth that the Colonies were terrorists and that the Earth was the victim. She was the one who assassinated Relena’s adopted father!!! She also tried to kill her too but failed. (Man! Relena’s kind of unkillable! Either that or she’s just lucky.) She also assassinated some old “OZ” generals that were against the war or who just didn’t understand it. She will kill anyone who will or would get in her way! She is one of the leaders of the “OZ” Foundation and to tell you the truth………she kind of reminds of Janet Reno!!!!!!



Treize: One of the primary leaders of the “OZ” Foundation. He reasoned with the leaders of the world to attack and invade the space colonies. He seems like a gentleman, (he is rich) but this guy is as evil as they get. If you really want to compare Gundam Wing to the American Revolution, he’s King George III.



Zechs: He is Relena’s long lost biological brother! He too enjoys war. He also uses giant mobile suits, but not Gundams. He’s on the side of “OZ”. He sought out to steal the Gundam’s technology so that he could make one of his own. He’s the only person to use a normal mobile suit to battle with a Gundam and live to tell about it! His goal is to single handedly defeat all of the Gundam pilots. He’s like a bounty hunter, or obsessed predator. Like Herro he too is a Rage-oholic and a Hate-oholic. But unlike Herro…he’s more sane! Even though he is an ally to “OZ” he is a wild card and can easily switch sides. But not to the Gundams, but to himself.



Dorothy: Personally………………I HATE HER!!! She’s pure EVIL!!! That’s all I have to say! She’s like a female Hitler!!! Dorothy goes to the same fancy school that Relena does. They are both friends except Dorothy is very unlike Relena. Unlike Relena…Dorothy LOVES WAR!!! She is fascinated with: death, murders, battles, war, and weapons. If you give her a gun…she’ll have some fun with it. And there’s nothing Al Gore or those “Gosh-Forsaken” Democrats could do about it with their stupid gun laws because it’s the year 2225!!! Even the Gundam pilots feel sorry for what they do in their missions. But Dorothy never regrets war or killing someone. If there’s a battle nearby…she’ll go see it for herself live instead of watching it on Pay-Per-View or something. Her passion for war and death will get her into trouble later on in the series.




Gundam Wing Checklist Chart


Ok, it’s time to do the honors.


Rated: We’ve got another complicated one here.


Cartoon Network Version- “PG” - “Y7”


Uncut Version- “PG-13” - “TV14”


For Who?: Once again, the adults can get into this as well. This is NO CARTOON!!! It’s also for Anime fans. Young children might not understand this and it might be too intense for them. What’s so amazing about Gundam Wing is that UNLIKE other Japanese Animation………there is NO ABSTRACT COMIC RELIEF!!! And there are NO WATERDROPLETS or BIG EYES!!! Weird huh?


Year: Japan came out with the original “Gundam” series in the 1980’s to get back at George Lucas for “Star Wars”. Gundam Wing is a series sequel to the series “Gundam” which came out in the mid or early 1990’s.


Time: There are only 50 episodes and each of them is a half and hour long. Which would make the whole series 25 Hours long. Which is an hour over a day. That’s not long compared to other series. Like DragonBallZ, they are all “To Be Continued.”


 Action: Is this some kind of sick joke!? Of course this has action!? Here’s the list: Explosions, exploding bases, exploding airplanes, exploding shuttles, exploding spaceships, exploding mobile suits, exploding Gundams, city explosions and people blowing up. There’s karate, gun fire, laser fire, flame thrower fire, bullet through the head and leg, sword duels, flying missiles, parachutes, Gundam battles, Mobile suit battles, space battles, Antarctica battles, city battles, space station battles, and suicide missions.


Violence: There are tons of Violence in this. There is also plenty of bullets hitting bodies and guns in peoples faces. There are brutal beatings and violent interrogations. At times there’s blood and gore.


LoveMaking: There is no time for sex in war!!! There’s not even any kissing in this!!! However…like I said earlier, there is a lot of boyfriend, girlfriend relationships especially around Herro and Relena. But those two never take their hidden love too far on camera.


Cast: Brian Drummond- Zechs. He also played the old Vegeta in DragonBallZ.


Scott McNeil- Duo. He also played the old Piccolo and Jace in DragonBallZ.




Pros: This has HIDDEN education values inside of it. And the Japanese did it purely by accident!!! Gundam Wing is VERY similar to: The American Revolution, WWI, and especially the Cold War. There are lots of action and beyond lots of suspense and character development. It’s worth watching!


Cons: “ZZZ…zzz…zzz…GA!!!” Sometimes the episodes (even though they are full of action) can…“YAWN!!!” make you fall asleep…LITERALLY!!! Never watch this on a bed! Some episodes can be BORING!!! I’ve fallen asleep too much on them. And when you leave the volume on high while sleeping…you get the weirdest dreams!!!



“Go Forth Gundam Team!!!”


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